Good morning all! I hope you had a nice weekend. Today's Kill a Kit is using my March HIp Kit Club kits. I used some of the cork stickers, flowers and polka dot paper from the Saturday Afternoon collection by Basic Grey, the I also pulled ephemera pieces and heart paper from the Felicity collection by Pink Fresh. I really like this sketch, I will be doing this one again!
Michelle's Little Creations
Monday, April 11, 2016
Kill A Kit Monday

Sunday, April 10, 2016
Weekend Warrior Challenge
Well, due to a very busy weekend, I was only able to pick my papers and lay the page out. I'm sure I could have "thrown it together", but I did not want to do that, I wanted it right. I will complete it after work tomorrow and post. On a happy note, the basement is all sheet rocked cleaned up, and ready for the taper on Monday!

Friday, April 8, 2016
Weekend Warrior Challenges
Here is my first challenge of the weekend, and I know just the picture I intend to use! You can find this awesome challenge, and some great sketches on their Facebook group, SG Srap Squad. I'm loving the theme of the layout and the sketch. My other challenges will be to get the next day's worth of posts up and scheduled , since I have to work 4 days next week instead of three. (I would complete posts and schedule on off days.)

It's Remember Me Day! This is the third installment of my effort to encourage all of us (myself included) to take the time to make sure that our personal stories are recorded. The latest topic is "trivia, or what you don't know about me." We're going to focus on "fun facts" about you, both historical and important, but also fun and trivial. To get a better idea of what you might include, check out my journaling:

It's Remember Me Day! This is the third installment of my effort to encourage all of us (myself included) to take the time to make sure that our personal stories are recorded. The latest topic is "trivia, or what you don't know about me." We're going to focus on "fun facts" about you, both historical and important, but also fun and trivial. To get a better idea of what you might include, check out my journaling:
• My journaling: "We all are an eclectic collection of quirks, secrets, and personal trivia. Some funny, some a little crazy...but still true. Here are mine.
-- In the Fifties, my grandfather made me a homemade hula hoop out of plumbing tubing at his hardware store.
-- I got a little carried away at my daughters' high school ballgames.
-- Totally despise mushrooms.
-- Got sent to the office in eighth grade for winking at a boy.
-- My first job was cutting and packing school pictures at Baldwin's Photography in Springfield.
-- I like folded-over potato chips best.
-- When I first went to college, I planned to be a music teacher.
-- I have a keychain collection.
-- Once drove in a powderpuff stock car race wearing a lime green polyester pantsuit.
-- I'm deathly afraid of grasshoppers.
-- I was the Summit Conference typing champion of 1968.
-- Never met a gravy I didn't like.
-- Loved Nancy Drew books when I was a kid.
-- I've seen two Presidents: Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.
-- Cannot go out in public without black eyeliner.
-- I know all the words to "Copperhead Road" by Steve Earle.
-- Despise having hair touch my forehead.
-- I can't drive 55."
-- In the Fifties, my grandfather made me a homemade hula hoop out of plumbing tubing at his hardware store.
-- I got a little carried away at my daughters' high school ballgames.
-- Totally despise mushrooms.
-- Got sent to the office in eighth grade for winking at a boy.
-- My first job was cutting and packing school pictures at Baldwin's Photography in Springfield.
-- I like folded-over potato chips best.
-- When I first went to college, I planned to be a music teacher.
-- I have a keychain collection.
-- Once drove in a powderpuff stock car race wearing a lime green polyester pantsuit.
-- I'm deathly afraid of grasshoppers.
-- I was the Summit Conference typing champion of 1968.
-- Never met a gravy I didn't like.
-- Loved Nancy Drew books when I was a kid.
-- I've seen two Presidents: Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.
-- Cannot go out in public without black eyeliner.
-- I know all the words to "Copperhead Road" by Steve Earle.
-- Despise having hair touch my forehead.
-- I can't drive 55."
The sketch I used is one of the free sketches from the March 2014 issue of Scrapbook Generation's CREATE magazine. You can download it (with complete measurements and placements) here:…/
How I used/altered the sketch:
• Use the 4x4 photo spot for a photo of you. If it reinforces one of your trivia items, that would be great. I could have done that with several of the items, but opted to just use a favorite photo of myself instead.
• Use the 4x4 photo spot for a photo of you. If it reinforces one of your trivia items, that would be great. I could have done that with several of the items, but opted to just use a favorite photo of myself instead.
• Because the emphasis of this layout is on the journaling, I turned two small photos into two journaling blocks instead. This is a good example of how you can add more journaling to a layout without compromising the design.
What you can do:
Share a layout on this topic (trivia, or what you don't know about me) here by May 5 for the chance to win shopping $$ at
Share a layout on this topic (trivia, or what you don't know about me) here by May 5 for the chance to win shopping $$ at
The whole Remember Me project is something wonderful you can do for yourself! I'm hoping to see more of you'll be glad you did

Project Life Friday
Good morning all, I hope you are well! Welcome back to PL Friday. Thhis week I am showing you week 10 of 2016. Im using the Project Life it from HKC, I believe February? Most of my weeks just include random things from our week. Atrip to Huck Finn looking at furniture and beds, basement progress, me sick for a week (as it turns out, with the flu!), a trip to Batrnes aand Noble (swoon!), and the girls at their favorite spot, K1 Speedway! So, here we go, the spread as a whole. I alson include the girls STAT sheets from K1, but I didnt show that.
This is a close up of the left side of the sparead. Which for me is typiclaly Mon-Wed. I'm sure my girls will be thrilled I am showing the top pic! On non school days they stay up late watching movies and just crash. Sally liked the added company I see! With this new deisgn size, Iam free to add the cute little pics from Facebook that I find or that people tag me in, a definete perk for me.
Right side, me at the dr, my sweet scaredy fosters B&N purchases and the girls. Pretty basic, but I like it. I backed the wood veneer pieces with pattern paper to make it pop more on the pictures. The goodies from thses Hip Kits go on forever, Ive done so many pages and still I have alot left!
That is all peeps, I hope you found some inspiration in what youve seen here. Come back later for my post on what the challenges are I will be doing this weeend. Also stop back Sunday for the challenge reveals. Thanks again for stopping by.

Thursday, April 7, 2016
Using Project Life in your Scrapbook Pages
Good morning all! Welcome back to the next Using PL in your Scrapbook Pages Thursday. For this layout I used one 4x6 card, and two 3x4 cards. The 4x6 card is from an old Studio Calico PL kit, and the two 3x4 cards are from the Maggie Holmes cut apart sheet Wonder collection. I also used the Wonder collection chipboard stickers to accent with. Other items I pulled in were, washi, a couple label stickers, a wood veer ampersand and Teresa Collins alpha. I backed my layout with a piece of black diagonal stripe (middle cut out of course, waste not want not!). My daughter Hannah started taking horseback riding lessons, and the start of every lesson is grooming. She says it's her favorite part, time with just her and Winnie!
I really love the simplicity this layout has, you can really focus on the picture and how relaxed they seem. I hope you enjoyed this weeks layout, stop back next Thursday for another of the same. Tomorrow will be Project Life Friday, come check it out.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Weekly Layout Wednesday
Good morning all! Welcome back for another week of Weekly Layout Wedndesday. I tend to surf Pinterest for sketches I like, and this was one of them. Of course we always put our own twist on them. The pattern paper is the same paper, my Tuesday Morning often times has pattern paper in packs of 25, all the same pattern. I buy the ones that are most versatile that I can use for layering. This black diagonal stripe was perfect. This page would have been another good Take from your Stash layout! I pulled things I've had in my stash for a long time and always pass over! The tags is from Studio Calico, from a past PL kit, same with the star paperclip, washi, and be happy circle piece. There are a couple acetate pieces that came from an old Basic Grey ephemera pack, I also pulled some label stickers, an October Afternoon circle, enamel dots and word stickers from my stash. Oh, and what's one of my layouts without Heidi Swapp color shine and Mr Huey color mist!
So that complete today's post. Stop back again for more layout shares. As always questions and comments are always welcome. Is there anything you'd like to see in future posts? Just let me know. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Take From Your Stash Tuesday
Good morning all! Welcome back to Take from your Stash Tuesday. This week I grabbed a paper pad I picked up from Tuesday Morning, part of a doily I had left laying around, some tags to choose from, and some ephemera that came in one of my old Studio Calico kits. I had a sketch in mind when I started out, because I was using pictures of my girls being goofy at K1 Speedway, one of their favorite places to go!
I did end up using 2 of the tags I picked out for this layout. I aslo pulled a few other things in as well, all older stash items. One being the Thickers, and also the & and # wood veer pieces. I have MANY of those! I did a layout using all wood veneer based a Crafty Jen Schow layout, it was amazing!
Thats all for now, hope you liked this weeks Take from your Stash Tuesday. Check back next Tuesday for another, or tomorrow for Using Project Life on your Scrapbook Pages.

Monday, April 4, 2016
Kill A Kit Monday
Good morning all! Welcome back to Kill A Kit Monday. This week I will be working on "killing" my February Scraptastic kit. I have done 3 more layouts toward this challenge. That brings my total to 6 layouts. Now this kit is smalle that my HKC kit, so I know I will not produce as much.
The second layout is of my sweet kitties, Willow and Maisy. It seems whenever I look, they are always together. As far as sketches go, I tend to puruse Pinterest alot, find layouts that catch my eye and then make a rough sketch of it on my 3x4 Project Life grid cards that I keep on a metal ring. I sometimes write down where the sketch is from, but I did not for these. My guess would be Citrus Twist, since I just signed up for their kits again, so Ive been checing out thir design team. I pulled in the "adorbs" accetate piece from Heidi Swapp, the enamel dots and more Mr Huey color mist.
Thanks for checking out my blog! I hope you enjoyed it. Check back tomorrow for Take from your Stash Tueday. Also head back over next Monday for another Kill a Kit Monday edition.
This first layout is of my fellow scrapbooking friend Melissa and I out to dinner with our families. We have been friends for 7+ years, since our daughters played softball on the same team. My husband mentioned to her I was a scrapbooker, and as they say, "the rest is history!" I used some of the Maggie Holmes flowers form the bloom collection, a couple pieces of the acrylic, and many aper scraps. I pulled in a piece of vellum and Mr Huey color mist to this layout.
The second layout is of my sweet kitties, Willow and Maisy. It seems whenever I look, they are always together. As far as sketches go, I tend to puruse Pinterest alot, find layouts that catch my eye and then make a rough sketch of it on my 3x4 Project Life grid cards that I keep on a metal ring. I sometimes write down where the sketch is from, but I did not for these. My guess would be Citrus Twist, since I just signed up for their kits again, so Ive been checing out thir design team. I pulled in the "adorbs" accetate piece from Heidi Swapp, the enamel dots and more Mr Huey color mist.
My final layout is a Project Life spread. I loved out this turned out. The colors where great. It was the week of St Patrick's Day, so I pulled all the green cards from the PL kit as well as the cut apart from Maggie Holmes Bloom. I did pull in 2 extra journal card because they fit what I needed. With doing Design K sleeves, it means I need to cut down all of the title cards to fit my design. Some work great for cutting, others I will need to save for finishing my 2014/2015 PL years. Here is the full spread together.
Here is the left side of the spread, the beginning of thre week. I did a little flip up onthe deer card, you can see the floral paper beneath it. When flipped up the top of the card has my journaling for archery, and the bottom has Hannah's archery score card. I also put in my daughters beautiful drawing of our cat Abby. She is no longer with us, but the girls grew up with her, she was a special kitty.
On this side of the layout, I included a couple fun cards. One for St Patty's Day, and one reminding me to take chances and try harder with my scrapping. Behind the "do more" card is the journalling about my trying out for the Hip Kit Club design team.

Sunday, April 3, 2016
Weekend Warrior Challenge
So this is the first Weekend Warrior Challenge. I chose a sketch challenge from Scarapbook Generation's SG Scrap Squad FB group.

For this layout, I used my Felicity Jane kit. Their papers are just gorgeous! I didn't order extr, so I was actually hyperventilating when I cut into them! I did pull the foam Thicker saying from my stash. I backed the acrylic "today" with my latest favorite washi, it's a wide teal and white heart pattern. I of course added Heidi Swapp color shine and Mr Huey color mist.
My second layout is from the 2016 Bash Your Stash FB group.

For the second challenge, I chose to use Crate Paper's Open Road collection. The colors seemed to fit perfectly. Now this sketch can be altered from 4 pictures, to less and add Project Life cards as I did. I thought this was a perfect challenge to use to show you that option. I am documenting my daughters final night of archery- party night! She is such a goof ball, I just wanted one good picture and her friend Vince was smiling for every picture waiting for her to get her sillies out of her system! It truly is one of my favorite things about her! I have been trying something new lately, roughing up the edges with my fingernail. I really like the dimension it gives.

Friday, April 1, 2016
Project Life Friday
Good Morning all! I hope everyone is well. This is my second Project Life Friday installment. I must confess, Im a bit behind, not with 2016, Im staying pretty current with that. I have about 3 months left to complete in 2014, and about 6 months left of 2015,I know, shame on me! I will get caught up though. So, with fostering, you will see the kitties in my pages. This weeks spread was made with a My Minds Eye line, Im so sorry I dont remember which.
So on the left side you will see the cutest pic of a kitty's face. We recieved a call our foster needed to be returned. My daughter was more than thrilled! ( as you can see, we are in the car on our way home and she's already snapping pictures of her). I wanted to show a couple goodies I got at the store, and of course my daughter acceptance into college! I am a lover of all things floral, so I try to get them in ever layout! I was so happy with the title card. I cut the 6x6 sheet so that the floral was on the bottom. I added a doily and a couple strips of washi, then a chipboard sticker. The chipboard 2 was also on the sheet, and I picked a coordinating 2 to go with it. I used the labels and journalling card that are part of the line.
On the right side, I documented my daughters awards night, they were accepting their scholarships! We had a couple adoptions this week, which is always good news. They were both fosters we had had for over a year! Our school put on a "drun driving reinactment" for the seniors to take part in. They needed to act out their individual parts as they were given, it was a very dramatic scene. Once the weather gets nice, I start documenting the changes in the yard, starting the vegteble garden, new landscaping, flowers in bloom.Things are always changing at our house!
I forgot to mention, sometimes there are extra pics I want to save, not necessarily display on the page, so I tuck them behind the like photo and just put a washi pull tap so you know to look.Thanks for stopping by.

Weekend Warrior Pre Post
Good evening all! This post will be to share with you the challenges I intent to try over the weekend. I'd love it if you joined along, I'd love to see your work as well. Leave them in the comments. My first challenge is from Scrapbook Generation, and its a sketch challenge.
My second challenges lenge is also a sketch. It is from the 2016 Bash Your Stash FB group. I have been working vewry hard to use or get rid of what I have or dont want. So far so good. In the past 2 days alone I have gotten rid of 50+ items. We are talking, stamp sets, paper pads, kits, spools of ribbon, washi. If Im not in love with it, it goes. This may be a future challenge, rid myself of x number items in one weekend!

So for the Weekend Warrior Challenge, you can post your layouts whenever you want over the weekend. I will post my challenge results on Sunday evening. Cant wait to see everyones work. Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, March 31, 2016
Using PL in your Scrapbook Pages Thursday
Good morning all! Im here with my first installment of Using Project Life in your Scrapbook Pages. I have many many Project Life cards. Some are actual core kits, but others are just leftovers from past kit clubs that I havent used all of. Well, it is time to use them up, lets make room for the new kit club goodies! Let me start by saying, I was a kitten foster for a year, not so much at the moment, but there are alot of kitten pics I will be scrapbooking! Its a very big part of our lives her is the Combs household. We have kept some of our fosters, as well as having some already! Mavis is one special kitty, she gets alot of layouts! The cards I used for this layout are from an old Gossamer Blue Project Life Kit Club. I added chipboard stickers from the Dear Lizzy Fine and Dandy collection, a flair button from I'm not sure where (they all go in a dish if not for a kit club), a doily, Studio Calico vellum alpha stickers, the foam glitter word from Pink Paislee's Citrus Twist collection, and Mr Huey's black color mist. The background patterned paper is from the Crate Paper Kiss Kiss collection.
So thats it for now, join me again next Thurday for another installment of Usinng Project Life in your Scrapbook Pages. Love to hear your comments or suggestions. Does anyone have a favorite layout for using Project Life cards? id love to see your take on this sketch or others using your PL cards.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Weekly Layout Wednesday
Good morning all! I'm here today with the first installment of Weekly Layout Wednesday. This will be the day I post random layouts that are not part of the kill a kit series or challenges Ive decided to do. This layout is using the January Hip Kit Club kits. At that time I was not trying the Kill A Kit idea, so I hadnt kept track of how many I had done.
I love all the selfies my girls take together. Im very blessed that with a 4yr difference they get along so well. We were at a STYX concert when they took this one.This was another great kit to work with. I chose to use a diagonal pattern down the page. The additions to this layout not from thge kit were the resin flowers, a doily, Mr Huey black color mist, Heidi Swapp gold color shine, vellum, and twine for the tags.
We've come to the end again. I hope you enjoyed the layouts. Stop back tomorrow for Using Project Life in your Scrapbooking Thurday. Aso there will be another Weekly Layout Wednesday for your next Wednesday. Love to hear your thoughts. Until tomorrow...
I love all the selfies my girls take together. Im very blessed that with a 4yr difference they get along so well. We were at a STYX concert when they took this one.This was another great kit to work with. I chose to use a diagonal pattern down the page. The additions to this layout not from thge kit were the resin flowers, a doily, Mr Huey black color mist, Heidi Swapp gold color shine, vellum, and twine for the tags.
This next layout was a "lyric challenge" done for The Scrappery. I knew as soon as I saw the challenge I had to do it. When my oldest was in kindergarten, they put on a daily Morning Program. This specific day fm was for Mother's Day, and they put on a skit. They played the song Child of Mine by Carole King, and I cried through the entire performance. What a beautiful song! So, whenever I am beaming with pride because I love my girls so, that song pops in my head. Well, Hannah saw this igloo dog house at PetSmart and just jumped right in! I just love her carefree spirit so much, it was "beaming with pride" moment! I had to use THAT song, for THIS picture!
First off for this layout, I pulled out my Poolside collection by Crate Paper. I then grabbed my Gelatos in Orange Sida, Guava, and Peach, colored them on a plastic wrapper and spritzed it with water then smeared it around where my picture would go, just enough for it to show around the outside. I also went through all of my word Thickers for what I needed. (Oh, yes, sweet, and darling. The boxy letters are from the Crate Paper Poolside sticker sheet, and the heart alpha is also Thickers). The foam hearts and and G clef are from the same Thickers word pack as sweet. I layered the picture with vellum and pattern paper. The strips of paper down the side where curled on the edge using just my fingernail, I love the dimension it gives each layer. I polished it off with, you guessed it, Heidi Swapp Color amShine and Mr Huey color most!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Take from your Stash Tuesday
Good morning all! This is the first in the weekly "Take from your Stash Tuesday" series. Im sure Im not alone when I say that I have ALOT of supplies, but it doesnt stop me from hitting the "purchase" button at or adding more to my my many kit clubs, Hip Kit Club, Scraptastic, The Scrappery or Citrus Twist! So after watching a few youtube videos from Adele of Inkie Quill, I knew I needed to impliment something similar of my own. Her consists of 5 items from your stash, I just decided I would pull as many as I wanted to use from my stash, not my brandie new kits, or fresh purchases!
As you can see I chose Amy Tan fabric stickers, Pink Fresh foam words (yes they are fairly new, but I ended up with 2 sets), a piece of Summer Sun patterned paper from Fancy Pants, some old Martha Stewart felt numbers, a tag sheet I got from the Freckled Fawn grab bag sale, a teal doily, and because they were the only 2 things from the collection, the Summer Sun paper pieces. When I opened the paper pieces and saw the little square cards, I knew what I had to do! I am a sucker for a grid pattern. I also ended up adding some October Afternoon alphas, some enamel dots, and of course some Mr Heuy's color mist. Im really happy with how it turned out, very bright and cheery. It fit the mood of the picture perfectly, a beautiful sunny day in SC. (We spent 7 days there, so there will be many pics scrapped from that week!)
So that wraps up my first Tuesday post. I'd love to hear what you think. Anything you'd like to see me use, I probably have it or something very similar! Thanks for stopping by. Check back tomorrow for Weekly Layout Wednesday.

Monday, March 28, 2016
Kill A Kit Monday
Good morning all! Today marks the first day in my "weekly Schedule posts". I hope you are all as excited as I am. This week my post will be a Hip Kit Club kill a kit. I was able to produce 2 scrapbook layouts, and a Project Life layout. The 2 Scrapbook pages have already been shared on the Hip Kit Club Facebook Forum, but I will give more detail about them here.
First up, this page was so fun to make! I started with my trusty Gelatos in hot pink, yellow, and royal blue colored on a plastic wrapper each individually. I put a color on, then sprayed it with a water mister, folded the bag in half to blend it, and then wiped it in different spots to get the color where i wanted. I then moved on to the second color and then the third. I did notice the yellow did not pop as much as I wanted, so i used my yollow Heidi Swapp color shine to drip some around. Next I chose 3 patterned papers to cut for dow the side. For added dimension, I used my fingernail to raise the edges. I then layered my photo with patterned paper and some vellum. After that was just all the little goodies. I used the Elle's Studio labels, Basic Grey embellishments and enamel dots, some of the Pink Fresh word stickers, wood veneer hearts and bird sticker to accent the page. I just have to say I am in Love with the colors in this kit. My daughter favoritw color is blue, usually royal blue to be exsact, and its hard to find enough lines with that color to keep using. Im in my glory.
First up, this page was so fun to make! I started with my trusty Gelatos in hot pink, yellow, and royal blue colored on a plastic wrapper each individually. I put a color on, then sprayed it with a water mister, folded the bag in half to blend it, and then wiped it in different spots to get the color where i wanted. I then moved on to the second color and then the third. I did notice the yellow did not pop as much as I wanted, so i used my yollow Heidi Swapp color shine to drip some around. Next I chose 3 patterned papers to cut for dow the side. For added dimension, I used my fingernail to raise the edges. I then layered my photo with patterned paper and some vellum. After that was just all the little goodies. I used the Elle's Studio labels, Basic Grey embellishments and enamel dots, some of the Pink Fresh word stickers, wood veneer hearts and bird sticker to accent the page. I just have to say I am in Love with the colors in this kit. My daughter favoritw color is blue, usually royal blue to be exsact, and its hard to find enough lines with that color to keep using. Im in my glory.
This next page is again, in need of that beautiful blue! Notice my daughters shirt and hair! The hair has faded quite a bit since first done. I love the "bordering my page" look, so I picked my background and cut the center out of it. Thou shall not waste! I then chose the patterned paper to use across the top almost half of the white paper. From there I put my Thickers title and went from there. I used the wood veneer to accent the wood form the boardwalk, and added a couple labels from Elles Studio and flowers from Basic Grey. I did pull in some of the mini alpha from October Afternoon which came in February's kit. I finished it off with Mr Heuy's color mist.
This third layout is obviously a Project Life spread. I loved the Project Life kit so much this month. Last months kit all I wanted to do was make scrapbook pages with it, I just loved it for that. For some reason this month, I am living how the Project Life is looking with this months kits. I actually got lucky, we were supposed to receive the Basic Grey Saturday Morning 6x6 pad, at the last minute she had to change some of them to the Pink Fresh Felicity 6x6 pad. I received the Felicity pad, and my dear friend Melissa received the Saturday Morning pad. They each come with 2 of each design, so we did as we many times do to save money and get more product, we split them! I love that I have someone to do that with!
On this left side, I did put a flip up. Sadly I can not figure out where I put my actually flip ups, so I decide not to waste any more time looking and used washi tape instead. I put it across the inside and outside to keep it secure. I pulled a small teal doily, washi, and an arrow paper clip from my stash. I used the cork and green pastic Thickers, the cork stichers from Basic Grey, Elles Studio bits and pieces, the black puffy arrow from Heidi Swapp, as well as Pink Fresh alphas, wood veneer hearts, and word stickers.
On this side , more Pink Fresh word stickers ( I just love them!!!), wood veneer hearts, and vellum alpha, Basic Grey cork stickers and enamel dots. I had alot of pictures I wanted to included, but didnt want to leave out the important journalling. Behind the drink photo is a journal card with a washi pull "tab". The oh luck me card was circle punched and the circle then put on dimensionals, behind it too is a business card with a wahsi pull tab. (I believe I forgot to put it back in prior to pic!) I had to document the "plan" my friend Melissa had for my collection of gift card, it was so funny to hear her play it all out. I wanted another pop of yellow, so I decided on the yellow alpha from Studio Calico, but didnt have an R upper or lowercase. I improvised, I used a P and cut a straight end off something I knew I wouldnt use.
So, thats it for this week, 3 layouts. I can get much more from this kit, so check back for more Kill A Kit pics next week. As always, I welcome comments and questions. Hope to see you again. Tomorrow will be Take from Your Stash Tuesday.

Friday, March 25, 2016
Project Life Friday
Good morning all! This is kinda of a douple duty layout. Its Project Life, but its also the last layout (#16) in my Hip Kit Club Kill a Kit using my February kits. I was able to use the last 3 week day stickers,and the last foam star. I also used more of the wood veneer hearts and arrows from the kit, but there are sooo many i have lots left. Im not part of the whole planner craze, although I do love them, so I cut the bottoms of the paperclips from Simple Stories and Im equally as happy with them. Since I used the Dear Lizzy Thickers for another layout, I mostly had numbers left.
Here is a close up of the left side so you can see the different details. I did add the yellow bordered Project Life card, because I had nothing left that was light enough to read journalling on.
I did some of my journalling on a patterned paper card from the Project Life kit, it was light enough to read on. I ended up cutting the final word sentences apart to use in a couple spots on this layout, so what left is the word "flower", which will be easy to use for me with spring her and all! I used the left over strip from a 4x6 card I cut down for a previous title card to use as a border and punched hearts out of them. I ended up using the positive and negative of the strip and hearts. This is not one of my more detailed layouts, but it turned out nice anyway.
So thats it, hope you enjoyed the layout. Stop back later, I will be posting the different challenges I will be working on for the weekend. Thanks for stopping by!

Collection Challenge- Documentary Style!
Today I am sharing with you my first week in my 2016 Project Life album. I am trying something a bit different, a change from the Design A sleeves, to the Design K. Over the past I've notice my excessive insets, which I would never omit, but I thought new design gave me a couple extra spots to work with. There are definetly pros and cons to the new design choice.
2 extra weekly spots for pictures
less paper use
I'm able to add random verses or prompts without fear of leaving a picture out
I'm noticing there is much need to use an inset, everything fits
there is less spots to put embellishments on (a square pic on a 4x6 card= embellishments!)
I own ALOT of Project Life cards, and not all title cards are cuttable
I feel my layouts end up looking more bland
So, with the pros and cons, it's been a challenge deciding wether to stick with the new design or, work my Design A back in. To date all of my previous Project Life years have consisted of 3 albums, and sometimes it's been hard to get them to fit with 3! I have opted to omit things to make it fit better. With that being said, my girls are getting older, and their hobbies have changed, are they are doing more with others and I don't get pictures, so there are less things I'm trying to include. We shall see if I stick with Design K as time goes on.
This is another " Collection Challenge" i am doing with my friend Melissa, we are both using Dear Lizzy Documentary, and showing two different takes on the same collection. You can find her here .I decided to add the first couple days of January into the first solid week and make it one. I also will insert my One Little Word sheet which discussess "Change". Im back to Weight Watchers and the gym, cooking and eating healthy and weeding out. We had my nephews birthday get together and a trip to Dave and Busters with the girls and Marshall, so that is a small insert. So without further ado, her is my first week full view.
The front side of my insert is my nephew birthday get together.
The back side of the insert is the kids at Dave and Busters.
Here is the left side for closer view. My daughter got my husband the nutribullet for Christmas, so we are all trying out new drinks. I normally put the week number on my title cards, but as a kitten foster, this card just screamed to me, so I just put the dates.
Here is a close up of the right side. Just some random things from the second half of the week. Steve with his "baby" We have 10 kitties, so you will see alot of kitty pics on this blog! The heart card was handed out at Weight Watchers. Loving the squirrel pic, we have a little ledge on the front door, and he just sat there watching me, food in mouth.
2 extra weekly spots for pictures
less paper use
I'm able to add random verses or prompts without fear of leaving a picture out
I'm noticing there is much need to use an inset, everything fits
there is less spots to put embellishments on (a square pic on a 4x6 card= embellishments!)
I own ALOT of Project Life cards, and not all title cards are cuttable
I feel my layouts end up looking more bland
So, with the pros and cons, it's been a challenge deciding wether to stick with the new design or, work my Design A back in. To date all of my previous Project Life years have consisted of 3 albums, and sometimes it's been hard to get them to fit with 3! I have opted to omit things to make it fit better. With that being said, my girls are getting older, and their hobbies have changed, are they are doing more with others and I don't get pictures, so there are less things I'm trying to include. We shall see if I stick with Design K as time goes on.
This is another " Collection Challenge" i am doing with my friend Melissa, we are both using Dear Lizzy Documentary, and showing two different takes on the same collection. You can find her here .I decided to add the first couple days of January into the first solid week and make it one. I also will insert my One Little Word sheet which discussess "Change". Im back to Weight Watchers and the gym, cooking and eating healthy and weeding out. We had my nephews birthday get together and a trip to Dave and Busters with the girls and Marshall, so that is a small insert. So without further ado, her is my first week full view.
The front side of my insert is my nephew birthday get together.
The back side of the insert is the kids at Dave and Busters.
Here is the left side for closer view. My daughter got my husband the nutribullet for Christmas, so we are all trying out new drinks. I normally put the week number on my title cards, but as a kitten foster, this card just screamed to me, so I just put the dates.
Here is a close up of the right side. Just some random things from the second half of the week. Steve with his "baby" We have 10 kitties, so you will see alot of kitty pics on this blog! The heart card was handed out at Weight Watchers. Loving the squirrel pic, we have a little ledge on the front door, and he just sat there watching me, food in mouth.
Ok, so i hope you enjoyed this layout, comments are always welcome. Id love to see your take on it. Dont forget to head on over to Melissa's blog and see her take on the collection.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Weekly Schedule
Hi all! I'm going to throw something out there, and see what you all think. So here goes, what about a weekly schedule? You can check here each day for a specific type of challenge post. Here was my idea:
Kill a Kit Monday
Take From Your Stash Tuesday
Weekly layout Wednesday
Using Project Life on your Scrapbook Pages Thursday
Project Life Friday
Weekend Warrior Challenges ( random challenges over the weekend I've decided to be involved in, or come up with on my own. Such as sketch challenges, collection challenges, mood board challenges etc.)
As far as the Weekend Warrior Challenges, I would love it if you linked you take on those challenges in the comments. I'd love to see you take on the same challenges. Heck Id love to see your take on any of the weeks challenges.
I realize this is a huge commitment, so this will start next Monday. I will be working this week to get a jump start so if life gets hectic, I still have things ready to go. So, tell me what you think, would anyone be interested?
Kill a Kit Monday
Take From Your Stash Tuesday
Weekly layout Wednesday
Using Project Life on your Scrapbook Pages Thursday
Project Life Friday
Weekend Warrior Challenges ( random challenges over the weekend I've decided to be involved in, or come up with on my own. Such as sketch challenges, collection challenges, mood board challenges etc.)
As far as the Weekend Warrior Challenges, I would love it if you linked you take on those challenges in the comments. I'd love to see you take on the same challenges. Heck Id love to see your take on any of the weeks challenges.
I realize this is a huge commitment, so this will start next Monday. I will be working this week to get a jump start so if life gets hectic, I still have things ready to go. So, tell me what you think, would anyone be interested?

Monday, March 21, 2016
Scraptastic Kill A Kit- part 1
Good morning all! I had such a great time doing a Hip Kit Club kill a kit, I thought I would try it with my Scraptastic kit as well. Now my Scraptastic subcription is a much smaller subcription than my Hip Kit, so I won't get as many pages out of it, but here goes! These are my first three. Of course I swooned when I discovered there was Maggie Holmes Bloom in the kit!
I love this layout, the grid pattern, but yet is was a random grid. I think I will be doing this one again in the future.
This layout uses Scraptastics exclusive paper for the background. I love having my workspace white for all of my goodies, but having a pop of pattern on the back to pull all of my colors together.
I think the only things I added to these layouts were Mr Huey's color must and some rhinestones. I hope you enjoyed these layouts. Id love to hear your comments or questions. Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Ready, Sketch, Go! sketch 11
I signed up for the Ready, Sketch, Go! class with Crafty Jen Schow and Tracie Claiborne. I like to try new things, and I love Jens work. This is my take on sketch 11. This layout was to just "get my sea legs back" after being down and out with the flu for over s week. Slow and steady will be my motto. I needed a rest after completing this own! But I was going through withdrawal! You can't keep a scrapper down, for long anyway!
For this layout I used my January HIp Kits. I pulled the teal heart washi from my stash, is it beautiful or what ? (As I swoon!) i had to pull in the teal, I mean look at that girls hair! I have to say even though we've heard a few parents balk at her colored hair, I love it! Blue has been that girls favorite color since she was a baby. It really does give you a taste of her spunky, bubbly personality!
I used the xoxo wood veneer but decided it needed to be gold glitter, so I wiped it with glue, and turned it upside down into a dish of gold glitter and voila! I used gold and cream bakers twine that I got out of the Target dollar bin to connect the chipboard banner pieces and then of course, did droplets of Heidi Swapp gold color shine to finish it off!

Monday, March 14, 2016
Hip Kit Club- Kill A Kit part 4
This is the last post in this series. I had a great time doing it. I managed to complete 14 single page layouts and a Project Life spread, which included 3 inserts. I have to tell you, there is still quite a bit left, that picture will be at the end. These last 2 pages were pretty inventive I think. The first is using the Dear Lizzy alpha. It was a bit too busy for me, so I knew I wouldn't use it. I stuck all the letters on the top of a piece of white cardstock, and brushed white gesso on them. I repeated that 3 times to make sure it covered. I then took some Heidi Swapp color shine spritzed it on a piece of plastic packaging and whipped it on the letters. I then bordered the bottom of the letters with a piece of washi from my stash. I also pulled a piece of vellum, some rhinestone stars, enamel dots, and a doily from my stash to complete the page. I love how it turned out!
For this last page, I tool the remaining stickers from the Amy Tan pad and used it as a background. I made sure I used ones that would allow for journaling and would fit the picture. I added a piece of vellum from my stash. I think this one turned out well also!
Now for the Project Life layout. I used the Project Life cards from the kit, as well as some of the different alphas, foam stickers, wood veneer, chipboard stickers, the mirrors sticker
Here we have the right size. I decided to showcase my epic scrapbook success! I have never created so many layouts in such a small amount of time! 4 days, I did 14 layouts in 4 days, and still went to 2 concerts, and a birthday party!
This is the front side of the first insert. Me, my daughter and my mother all went for our first tattoos. It was a moment definetly important to document. It was a very symbolic tattoo for all of us. For the inserts I made a title card of sorts using the teal glitter alpha.
Now we have the back side of the first insert and the front side of the second insert. We went to see STYX for the second time. It's nice that the girls enjoy the same kind of music as Steve and I. The right side is my nieces first birthday party. Again you will see the title card with the teal alpha.
This last insert page is my daughters college concert. Yet another title card. I like that it gave the inserts a feel of unison.
Here is the week as a whole without the inserts in the way.
Now, if you can believe it, after all those pages with all those goodies, this is what I STILL have left! I am absolutely amazed, but my new kits are here, so the remains of last months kit will have to wait for a while. So, is this something you would like to see more of? Did you like what you saw? Thanks again for checking them out. I now need to focus on my final page for the Hip Kit Design Team member submission. Wish me luck!

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